Rules & Terms
The submission of films for selection of the Final Programme of the 5th Diorama International Film Festival 2024 shall be made only in accordance with the provisions set out in the Diorama International Film Festival Regulations as well as the Pre-Selection Conditions.
MSM Worldwide, New Delhi is the founder and organizer of the 5th Diorama International Film Festival. The event is supported by several Government, Non-Government and Film Industry organizations.
DIORAMA is an International Film Festival. Its specific objective is to promote and support the development of cinematic art globally. Its goal is to act as a point of convergence for the Indian and International Cinema industries. The spirit of the festival is the one of discovery that strives to turn a catalyst for the development of Cinematic art globally, particularly through its market segments, Diorama Film Bazaar, Webinars, Seminars, Master Classes, and Panel Discussions, etc.
The festival dates are 28th February - 03 March 2024
The Film Submission is free for Diorama International Film Festival for all categories.
The deadline to submit the film entries for all categories is 15 December 2023, 11:59 PM (Indian Standard Time).
The films must have been completed between 1 October 2022 and 30 November 2023. For all films, the Film Producer/Studio/Company certificate of Date of Production is sufficient.
Article 1
The Diorama International Film Festival will take place in Dubai between 28 February - 03 March 2024.
Article 2
The festival prefers India Premieres of the films.
Article 3
Submission is open to films produced/made after 1st November 2022 for the festival, exclusively for the following sections:
- International Competition - Feature Films only
- International Competition for Shorts - Short Fiction Films only
- International Competition for Documentaries - Documentary Films only
- Indian Competition – Indian Feature Films only
Submissions for films will be accepted only if they fit the profiles of the sections listed above.
The Festival’s Screening format is DCP only.
Article 4
Once the film has been selected and the Invitation to participate at the festival is accepted, the film cannot be withdrawn from the Festival Programme. Any withdrawal of film post it’s selection and communication of the same to the Entrant, shall be liable to pay damages to the Festival.
Article 5
All films must be presented in their original language and, where this language is other than English, DCP or the screening format of the film must be subtitled in English language (if not otherwise specified). Subtitling expenses are to be met by the Participant. The festival at its discretion may use Hindi language subtitles and may request the Submitter/Entrant to send the SRT file (Dialogue Sheets) of the Subtitles.
At its discretion, the festival will be free to electronically project subtitles in Arabic or any other language along with English subtitles below the film on a different screen. The production and presentation of local language electronic subtitles is the responsibility of the festival. Films with multiple language subtitling options shall be preferred, however, this shall not be the selection criterion.
Article 6
All film entries for Competitive sections – International Competition for feature films, International Competition for Short films, International Competitions for Documentary films and Indian competition for feature films must be submitted to the Festival for selection by 20 January 2024.
The decision of the festival with regard to selection/rejection of a film shall be final and no communication whatsoever in this regard shall be entertained.
Article 7
All submissions must contain the following:
A duly completed online/offline Entry Form
Uploaded/couriered screener of the film or Vimeo/YouTube link with password valid till 20 January 2024 or a DVD/Blue Ray (if the film's original language is other than English, the Festival requires receiving on-screen English subtitles).
Submissions can also be sent by mail, containing a copy of the duly completed Entry Form and the screener DVD/Blue Ray (All Region), labelled with the film's title, director's name, and language of subtitles. Submissions must be sent fully pre-paid to the address as indicated on the Entry Form plus specifying the festival programme that you are applying for. The festival reserves the right to refuse any shipment entailing additional costs.
7a. For films selected to be screened at the festival, these materials must also be sent by email only:
DCP of the Film. (Region free unencrypted)
Photograph of the director (soft copy)
Director’s biography and filmography (100 words strictly in a word file)
One or more stills from the film (Jpeg high-resolution files)
Dialogue or Spotting Sheet/List in English (SRT Files by email)
Film Clips / Trailer (Links or DVDs or Blue Rays)
Poster of the film (Jpeg- soft copy) only
Country certification.
7b. Additionally, for films selected to be screened in competition programmes:
Photos of the leading actor/ actress (Jpeg high-resolution files only)
Leading actor/ actress biography and filmography (word files only)
List of cast and crew members attending the festival (word files only)
Except for the DCP, none of the above-listed required materials will be returned.
Article 8
The festival may use all materials cited in Article 7 for promotional purposes and to compile the Festival Catalogue (web and printed copies both). The festival bears no responsibility for published inaccuracies originating in submitted materials.
Article 9
During the Festival, selected films will also be available on the Festival’s OTT Platform, Diorama Live, open to designated Film Bazaar professionals and journalists.
By accepting to be part of the festival, participants grant permission for their film to be included in Diorama Live unless other arrangements have been made with the Festival.
The films in the festival will be provided distribution and marketing support at no cost by the organizing company, as a goodwill gesture to support independent cinema globally. The rights shall remain with the producers, and producers have a right for refusal for promotion.
It is expected that the cast and crew of the film will attend the festival. However, the festival pays no travel or accommodation for the purpose.
Article 10
All prints of selected films must arrive online or physically/electronically in New Delhi latest by 20th January 2024 in designated formats and must be made available for the entire festival period with valid links and passwords, if any unless otherwise agreed.
The festival, at its discretion may download and upload the film on its Partner portals.
It is obligatory for the Participant to follow the festival’s shipping instructions (to be sent to film producer, director or another film representative along with the letter of acceptance of the film).
The festival will not cover any shipping costs for all selected films unless otherwise agreed. The festival will be responsible for customs clearance in New Delhi, India/Dubai, UAE.
Unless otherwise arranged, in the event of damage or loss of the screening copy during the Festival, the Festival is shall not be responsible for the cost of producing a new screening copy whatsoever.
Article 11
The festival presents the following Awards:
1. Golden Sparrow for Best International Feature Film
2. Silver Sparrow for Best International Feature Film
3. Golden Sparrow for The Best Short Film
4. Silver Sparrow for The Best Short Film
5. Golden Sparrow for The Best Documentary Film
6. Silver Sparrow for The Best Documentary Film
7. Golden Sparrow for Best Indian Feature Film
8. Silver Sparrow for Best Indian Feature Film
9. Golden Sparrow for Best Actor, Male for Indian Films
10. Golden Sparrow for Best Actor, Female for Indian Films
11. Golden Sparrow for the Best Indian Actor in a Supporting Role, Male
12. Golden Sparrow for the Best Indian Actor in a Supporting Role, Female
13. Golden Sparrow for Best Cinematography for Indian Films
14. Golden Sparrow for Best Sound for Indian Films
15. Golden Sparrow for Best Editing for Indian Films
16. Golden Sparrow for Best Male Playback for Indian Films
17. Golden Sparrow for Best Female Playback for Indian Films
18. Golden Sparrow for Best Music for Indian Films
19. Lifetime Achievement Award for Indian Films
20. Viewers' Choice Award
21. Critics’ Choice Award
DIORAMA International Film Festival holds the right to present additional partner awards.
Article 12
Award winners are expected to attend the award ceremony in Dubai. The Festival will provide accommodation and local hospitality (Meals and Local transportation). In case, the award winner cannot attend the ceremony, he/she may record and share their videos with the festival for broadcast on Partner platforms, portals and the media. Award winners are obliged to mention the award as announced, nationally as well as internationally, in all publicity and promotional material and attend the ceremony in person and not by representation. In case, the awardee does not confirm his/her personal presence to the festival by the given date, the award shall not be presented. The festival shall offer accommodation to all awardees in Dubai for one-two nights as may be feasible.
Article 13
The invitation sent for each film in Competition sections selected by the festival must remain strictly confidential between the Festival Management and the Participant until the Festival decides to make an official announcement in this regard.
Article 14
Participation in the Diorama International Film Festival implies acceptance of all regulations and pre-selection conditions. The Chairman, Diorama International Film Festival has the power to settle all issue not covered by the present Rules and Regulations.
Article 15
The last date for receiving entries is 15 December 2023, 11:59 PM IST
Late Deadline is 20 December 2023
Article 1
Films must have been produced after 1st October 2022.
All Feature Films must exceed 70 minutes in length.
All Short films must be between 05-30 Minutes in length.
All Documentary films must be between 15-60 minutes in length.
Article 2
The Producer-Director and Cast of the film must record their messages and share these with the Festival.
Article 3
The cast and crew members of the selected film are obliged to promote their film through internet and the social media prior and post the film's screening with statement sand interviews. Such material must be recorded and sent to the festival in advance.
Article 4
Films that have already been exhibited on the Internet/ VOD are not eligible for submissions.
Films that were not screened on television in the countries outside their country of origin are eligible.
Article 5
The festival does not pay any Screening Fee.