AT HOME Directed by Luisina Anderson (Argentina/11 minutes 20 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
One summer morning, Camila, 12 years old, is alone at her house with her friend, Micaela. They are being looked after by Sofia, Camila´s elder sister, but she remains asleep. The girls get breakfast, watch videos, rehearse a choreography, and play in the house, while on tv a news program investigates a femicide. Camila pays attention to it at times, and wonders who the killer was. A threat grows between the house walls, and in their games restlessness develops.

17/70/74 Directed by Matija Munjiza Petrović (Serbia/6 minutes 21 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
At an ordinary place a young man finds magic, that changes his life.

24 TRUTHS Directed by Selim Gribaa ( Tunisia/13 minutes 43 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Asma Beji, a young psychoanalyst, sees entering at her practice Mourad, a young filmmaker who can’t carry out his first movie. His problem is that he has difficulties feeling the emo- tions a movie can trigger.

30K AN OUNCE Directed by Sagar Singh Sivaraman (Thailand/16 minutes 50 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
On his way back to his girlfriend’s place, Tony encounters the worst possible scenario at the worst possible time.

A CELEBRATION Directed by Mahsa Razavi ( Canada/10 minutes 46 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
A Celebration is a short drama about 8-year-old Ada who tries to convince her newly immigrated mother to celebrate Thanksgiving by cooking a turkey. However, when Ada sets to celebrate Thanksgiving like a “true Canadian”, she discovers what it means to be an immigrant family.This is also the story of a young girl’s struggle to dissociate herself from the protecting identity of her mother in order to recreate her identity in a land other than her motherland. Through this story, I want to explore the narrative Ada’s search for identity, which will be told in the context of the human condition of a generation of young immigrant families who live in the margins of society and search for a better life and place in the world.

A DAY OF RAIN Directed by Julio Godefroy ( Mexico/17 minutes 43 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
"A day of rain" unites a man and a woman in the entrance of a building trying to protect themselves from an unexpected downpour. Both characters, animated by the atmosphere of the rain, begin a conversation that slowly leads them to open their lives, both seem to be exiled and under this assumption, establish a connection of great empathy that may or may not allow them to build a future together.

ALEXIA Directed by Martin Basile ( Italy/7 minutes/2019/shorts diorama)
A man finds out that his housekeeping android Alexia, instead of going to the supermarket, is seeing someone.

BARBERRY Directed by Adilet Baktybekov (Kyrgyzstan/14 minutes 44 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
The film describes children who are collecting barberry. Friendship and grudges between these young boys show how they are overcoming and fighting the challenges of life.

BHANUMOTI Directed by Asif Ul Islam (Bangladesh/5 minutes 57 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
A little girl accidentally breaks a valuable showpiece of there house. Then something strange happened to her mind.

BRIDGE Directed by vahid hassanzadeh ( Iran, Islamic/14 minutes 50 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Roya, an urban girl who had failed in a relationship with her boss, get out of her boss’s car on a bridge. An old man who notice her, assumes that she wants to kill herself. When the old man is gone, Roya decides to pretend a suicide to gets attention of people whom she knows, but no one cares. Until a young delivery bike changes her point of view towards life.

CAN YOU BEAR ME? Directed by Julia Shuvchinskaya (Finland/13 minutes 13 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
A road movie about a couple that meets for the first time in offline world. Veera comes to visit Maximilian in France and as they drive to the sea, she struggles with suspicion about his past and possibility of their future together.

RACE TO HAPPINESS Directed by Jessy Tonda ( France/18 minutes 26 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
A plane pilot wakes up in a refreshment bar. His phone rings indicating "5 Calls missed little man ". The pilot is pressing leave on board his plane to arrive on time at marriage of his son ...

REA Directed by Joanna Bielinski (Germany/22 minutes 50 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Oliver Helfrich and his wife Rea lead a family life dominated by violence and psycho terror – in the middle is their baby son Jonas. Oliver works on a promising project at his job, while Rea is in nostalgia and depression at home. Oliver decides to take their baby to work. From then on, Rea makes him even more reproaches and feels disrespected as a woman and as a failure in her mother’s role. Rea harasses Oliver in the office with telephone terror. At home she uses physical violence against him. Oliver is criticized by his boss that he should "pull himself together like a man" and get the situation under control. After Rea’s fake suicide attempt, it comes to an escalation. When the police arrives at the apartment, the evidence is determined by outdated gender roles.

RELECIOUS Directed by Eugenio Villani & Raffaele Palazzo (Italy/8 minutes 27 seconds/2018/shorts diorama)
An intellectual dress style man is shopping at the supermarket. After he bought the essential goods, he moves toward the refrigerated section to choose the yogurt to buy. The man realizes with amazement that each one of the yogurt cups has stamped on it the name of a religion instead of the yogurt brand.

RETURN Directed by SELMAN DENİZ (Armenia,Turkey/18 minutes 34 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Eyüp crosses the mount Ararat and starts to look for his aunt in the Yerevan by following a mad man's words. Her aunt also expects someone to come from behind this mount for years. Eyup can not be sure about the one who he found behind the blue door, whether his aunt or not. Because they can't understand each others.

ROSES ARE YELLOW Directed by Aviaja Skotte (Denmark/30 minutes/2019/shorts diorama)
An unwanted pregnancy forces the 24-year old Emma to reconsider the relationship to her 27-year old boyfriend Alexander. To get some distance, she flees to her parent’s summerhouse, but Alexander soon shows up. Next-door, Emma's childhood friend Sebastian lives with his dog, which doesn't make things easier, since Alexander is very jealous. An imaginary love triangle between Emma, Alexander and Sebastian starts to occur. From being a charming person in full control, Alexander turns into a pathetic and pitiful person, while Emma finally learns to put her foot down and stand up for herself.

SALTY,SWEET Directed Péter Hajmási ( Hungary/22 minutes 26 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Szabolcs is going from somewhere to nowhere, but his past and fate have different plans for him. A gas station attendant and a coincidence change his life forever. Based on a true crime story.

SAM'AK - HEARING AID Directed by Hamid Yousefi ( Iran, Islamic /17 minutes 8 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
The film captures the narrative of a couple who are about to immigrate. The night before, thieves get into their building.

THE SCHOOL BUS Directed by Ramazan Kılıç ( Turkey/13 minutes 34 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Nebahat, a teacher in her 20s, has just been appointed to a rural village school in Anatolia. She realizes that her students are struggling to arrive at school, hitchhiking tractors, using whatever means they can find. She asks the Ministry of Education for a shuttle, but without a driver, the vehicle is useless. So, she decides to be the bus driver for her students but she does not know how to drive!

SENSE Directed by Diana Arias (Venezuela, Bolivarian/10 minutes 45 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Amy is a young girl who lives with her older brother Leslie, both alone after losing their parents. Amy suffers from a malignant brain tumor so she left school and lives locked up with the overprotection of her brother who is tormented by her without knowing that her sister is secretly in love with him.

SOBAT- ALONG WITH Directed by Ganesh Dharmadhikari (India/Marathi/21 minutes 51 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Journey of two unknown man and a lady.They are moving towards their home.The journey is adventurus because nobody seen other than these two unknowns, while they are tracking, they attract to each other with their conversations but finally lady avoid him when she reached her place. Because lady want to reach secuirely thatsway she attracts man with her lovely conversations.

SOUND OF SPRING Directed by Li Jiayi ( China/24 minutes 46 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Mr Wang is a "local Peking man" who lives in alley all his life. He has retired at home, but still lives a leisurely life in the alley. However, as his son was about to get married and become homeless, the government's withdrawal incentive policy, which was about to expire and appeared at that time, all of which put Mr Wang in a dilemma. On the one hand, he was reluctant to live in the alleys of old Beijing. On the other hand, his son was going to start a family, but he was in a real dilemma of having no room to live in. In Beijing, a familiar and unfamiliar city, Mr Wang may face not only the problem of housing replacement, but also the process of his re-understanding of the old and new Beijing.

SQUARE OF FREEDOM Directed by Ming-Wei Chiang ( Poland/20 minutes/2019/shorts diorama)
Peter, a Danish student in Łódź, starts being worried about his safety here as a foreigner, due to the shifting of political atmosphere. He decides taking part in a student movement which against new changes from the government, that is going to confine freedom of speech and art. Meanwhile, a question of the common future has arisen between him and his girlfriend in Poland.

STUBBORN AS A MULE Directed by Victor Bargès ( France/13 minutes 59 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
A car is stopped in a Serbian countryside. A young man, Ulysse, with facial injuries, holds an envelope full of cash. Ulysse is lying on a bed, the sheets are undone, his head is on the thighs of a young woman called India. The two youngsters are chatting about their dreams, her dream is to open a beauty salon, while his is to buy a brand new camper van.
In a shisha bar, Ulysse is seating next to his brother -who is also his boss- Xherdan. The hero gives him the money of a ‘travel’. But the brother doubts that something is off, and plays with the nerves of the young man.

SUICIDES CANDIDATES Directed by Hamza Atifi (Morocco/18 minutes 41 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
In this unique futurescape, the marginalised and impoverished are targeted by government-sponsored suicide initiatives that encourage sacrifice for the greater good. Whether the true horror lies in the acceptance of such horror or the impact it has on those involved, this weave of dark humour and technical brilliance is an original insight into the thin border between utopia and dystopia. With excellent performances between the bedraggled Larbi and the chillingly distant Afaf.

Sweet discomfort of missed connections Directed by Hussen Ibraheem ( Lebanon/15minutes/2019/shorts diorama)
Zahi returns to Lebanon to receive the corpse of his father after being kidnapped in the Lebanese civil war for 35 years. When he goes to the hospital to meet the corpse, he discovers that the corpse is lost again, Zahi finds himself stuck between worlds where he cannot relate or communicate while trying to explore the possibility of such a disappearance.

TAPIOCA DAIRY Directed by Okado Takashi ( Japan/19 minutes 16 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Takashi, who came to study in his dream city Taiwan, have found the fun of the friendship and love which he have never discovered in Japan. However, the time has passed very fast while he found it very difficult to tell his mind to the one he love. Though his love ended up sad without telling his mind...

THAAR Directed by Anand Khatana ( India/18 minutes 15 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Two unconventionally intertwined lives finds their place in the world while being followed by an unsettling shadow.

THE DIE IS CAST Directed by Denis Soroka ( Belarus/6 minutes 56 seconds/2018/shorts diorama)
Husband and wife are getting divorced. Their little son has to make a decision with whom he will live. Whoever he chooses, their lives won't be the same.

THE ORCHARD DREAM Directed by Yonathan Wezeli ( United States/24 minutes 14 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
One mysterious reality seen through multiple eyes. But is it reality? This twisted story reflects how chaotic our minds can sometimes be.

WHO IS THE MAN? Directed by Rosine Kaboré ( France/11 minutes 20 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Aya and Mehdi, a young couple, are attacked one night at the corner of a street by three men. The next day, Mehdi tells his friends how he beat the attackers, when it did not really happen as he claims ...

WILD WILL Directed by Alan King ( Australia/12 minutes 57 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
When the neighbourhood dogcatcher William Page is found wandering the streets disorientated, he is brought back to the local police station for assistance. However the situation soon disintegrates into hell on earth.

YA BEN Directed by Yaren Zara Berg ( Turkey/24 minutes 16 seconds/2019/shorts diorama)
Yaren Zara Berg (*1979) During her school days, she started writing short stories. She has worked with Esen Işık (Swiss- Turkish director) (2015). "İkimize bir Dünya"(A world for both of us) a work by turkish writer Sait Faik. In 2016, in this feature film she worked as an art director & film director crew. 2018 (director & screenplay). Her first short film, Ya Ben ( And me ). Yaren Zara Berg lives in Berlin.